about me
name: peggie aw yen peng (hu yan ping)
D.O.B.: 21st august 19** (if u noe me well u should noe i how old too.. =X ) bloodtype: O+ ethnic: half thai half chinese icq: 52385590 irc nick: nuriko current wishlist: 1. manga of cuz ^_^ 2. cute mascots~~ like hp straps~~ anime or manga oso can~ 3. hmm... good paying job?? =P current fav movie: Pirates of the Caribbean, The Boss's Daughter, UnderWorld, Brother Bear My Japanese name is Megumi Aizawa. My japanese name is 長谷川 Hasegawa (long valley river) 弓美 Yumi (beautiful bow, as in bow and arrow). |
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should i explain first then post of post then explain ar?!?! XD long story short is last time my poly attachment worked at EA Games then got one guy came from USA, Venice. Then i got show he ard sg la on weekends then as game testers.. we do snack alot then he found out sg snacks not cheap leh.. some even more ex than in US so he say to me if he's back he's gonna send me ONE BIG BOX of snacks~~ and they got here FINALLY from ground mail ma.. hehe okok here's the FIRST pic!!! BIGGGGG~~~~~ ;D just opened the box~~ ^____^ hmm.. here's a first glance at the stuffs inside... a close up of the contents... ^^ map owned: Pokemaul td (easy level though so 40 lives + our milktanks) persons who owned: me, saber, dai, sky, sieggy and night species i used: normal + mew2 lab they used: normal + mew2 lab, ice + fire, ground + ghost, ele + ??, ?? + ?? (lolz... forget le.. need wait ask them then i update this... ^^ ) mew2 labs and lapras and milktanks rocks~~~~ ok 12:30 past le... time for bed... MLP tomolo.... *laughing time agai ~Praise the Lord~ at 12:36 AM | 0 comments wakakakaa~~~ so long no blog le.... ^^; and the reson is i forgot my userid..... now that i'm back.. here's a little update on me!! Status: addicted to Tower Defence maps i've played so far: elements, warhammer, pokemaul, final fantasy maul and liquid. current map playing: warhammer!!!!! the boss level muz kill them alllllllllll~~~~ other that my gaming interests... lately busy with FYP lor... today meeting clients later.... hope dont get 'bang' by them too much.... ^^;; this friday is important day lor.. keep getting reminders from SOMEONE that her chalet is on that day CANNOT miss it de... hehe.... and surprisingly yifeng invited me thru v-jie for his bdae dinner o... but this weekend got King's factory sale!!! from friday to sunday (while stock lasts)... dunno how leh.. scared i suday then free to go and no more the flavour i want le... T.T that's about all for now... gotta start doing my stuffs for FYP now... adios~~ ~Praise the Lord~ at 10:05 AM | 0 comments You are White. Simple, Truthful and innocent. Almost with the mind of a child, white's tend to be somewhat naive at times. Ignorance can be bliss, but it can also lead to a boring conversation. What Color Best Represents Your Personality? ~Praise the Lord~ at 11:22 AM | 0 comments went to watch Chicken Little yesterday~~ so funny!!! but there were touching parts and of cuz sarcastic parts i think... with reference to some hollywood movies.. hehe... it was a TCSS outing... today had 8 of us turned, me, d4, yuki, snowbell, kage (forget nick), retsu, inova and SK. ^_^ got a landyard too~~ then now gonna be on my way to dinner with my jie mei men at the new outlet that open in Chinatown - XO Bee Hoon~~~ yummy!!!! ps: see the table on the right.. found some forum ppl with those eggs in their sig and got curious.. then click and the links so interesting so got them for myself too!! ^_^ ~Praise the Lord~ at 4:33 PM | 0 comments okay.. i need to blog this down fast... or i will forget all the names!!! i just came back from an outing the HR (Hyper Relay) people... it was for fishy's birthday at zhen fa@marina bay. then got 20+? of us met up!!! WOW right?? and i like only know 2 there... as in met 2 before la... anyway got who: icefish, queenie, janue, sniper, lesbonbon, LS, Agnesticia,kianleong, pinkiro, piratedark, sokeri, buttcheeks, inovan, choboki, aegisx, the tall gal (forgot nick too.. ^^;;) and lovekakashi then later got FX and gang... and still got more!! but i forgot le... see la... short term memory so jialat.... okay.. now that the important names/nicks are down... i'll start from the top... in the morning got AI presentation then after that was the shift work at the suntec WCG.. it was there that i met sniper and then janue too!! so lucky.. like all 3 never say meet one.. but we did... sniper then told about the fishy's birthday and if i wanted to go.. so i sms queenie and she said i should lor... so i went!! and good that i went~~ it's good la!! ^^ but sadly we all dont play HR often le... in fact lately it's only the forum... =X okay.. time for gaia now and then maybe some survival project later.. =P oh ya!! i going cut hair tomorrow at kimage@funan!! ^_^ ~Praise the Lord~ at 12:50 AM | 1 comments okay.. i'm back.. the surgery is soooo scary!!!!! OMG!!! i was like trembling ALL THE WAY thru it... and got cry abit.. =_= i can FEEL them DRILLING into my tooth.. oh man... the sharp pain... and then now i'm biting on this cotton thingy.... half my mouth is numb.. but it's fading.. the numbness.. took painkillers... hope the effect kick in soon.. cuz i cant stand pain... and obviouslt there were STITCHES!!! i even get to keep my tooth... it's so big... and the bottom is like so... secure... with 2 curved 'hooks' into my gum.... and they say my jaw there will start to swell and bruise tonight... and i got 5 days MC... and then tuesday my aunt going ROM.. i need to go too... and then.. 2nd Sep need to go check up and remove stitches... i dont know if i can stand the other side... 2 teeth somemore!!! *shudders from the memory* even AFTER the surgery.. i was still trembling for a good 20 mins!!! too scary... ~Praise the Lord~ at 1:19 PM | 2 comments i should be blogging about my birthday weekend.... how fun it was and all... but there's something else on my mind now!!! i'm going for a minor surgery for the extraction of the right side of my wisdom tooth.... and there's like 1% that the chin area there will be numb (no feeling) forever!! permenant!! and 3% that it's only temporary the numbness.... why there muz be nerves near the wisdom tooth!! so scary leh.. still need stitches... after all these still got the left side got 2 somemore!!!! *runs away liao* i NEVER need to see dentist for tooth extraction... then FIRST time i see is minor surgery... i see surgery already scare... no matter minor not... (i think i better go pray... brb) okay.. back... i just hope now that i'm not gonna be the suay suay 1%... sighs... ~Praise the Lord~ at 1:10 AM | 0 comments | ||
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